Sunday, April 20 was the final day of a perfect trip and Mike and I attended morning mass seated on the front row at St. Patrick's Cathedral and afternoon mass in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium. Both services as well as the Seder supper the evening before were wonderfully enjoyable faith building events.
A few photos from New York:
Banners welcoming Pope Benedict XVI
were everywhere in New York and D.C.
Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York
Archdiocese of New York banner at Yankee Stadium
New York Priests, clergy, police, and firefighters were well
represented in the bleachers to keep us rowdies in line.
The altar at Yankee Stadium.
Mr. Steinbrenner had but one request - "stay off the grass".
The Holy Father arrives via Mercedes popemobile and takes a lap
around the track at Yankee Stadium prior to beginning the mass.
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