Opening Ceremony Vietnam Experience Wall
Good morning.
I’ll be brief because I know you didn’t come today to hear politicians speak.
On behalf of the CITIZENS of Snellville, WELCOME.
Thank for coming and allowing us – in some small way – to say “Thank You” and “Salute America’s Heroes.”
You are truly America’s Heroes.
And though I know only a very few of you . . . you have changed my life.
You’ve risked losing your family and friends – so I could be with mine.
You’ve risked losing your jobs and businesses – so I could have mine.
You’ve missed once in a lifetime events – childbirth, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and funerals – so I wouldn’t miss those events in my life.
You’ve done all these things and more for me – and I’ve done so little for you.
You have lived our Declaration of Independence, which says, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
The men and women represented on the wall behind you have given the ultimate sacrifice and have fulfilled the biblical truism –
There is no greater love than to give your life for another.
We will never experience here on earth, the joy and peace they share today. We can only aspire to one day join them.
Again, thank you for coming and allowing us to Salute America’s Heroes.
May God Bless you and your families.